Kenny and Linda Danielson
“For with God nothing will be impossible.” Luke 1:37
In 2007 the Minnesota Baptist Conference [CNC] extended a calling to Ken and Linda Danielson to serve Native American Communities on Lake of the Woods in Minnesota and Canada. The vision for ministry was twofold in nature. The first half of the ministry was to start home church Bible studies on reserves located on Lake of the Woods in Ontario, CA. The second half of the vision was to plant a church among native and white families in Warroad, MN, a community about 5 miles south of the Canadian border.
It is our desire to see lives changed through God’s Word and loving relationships; to see forgiveness and worship of the Lord; and to see native elders and pastors raised up to preach and declare freedom in Christ. The calling the Lord gave us in 2007 remains the same today, “Love and Serve the People.” The heart of the calling to “Love and Serve the People,” is to share freely that which has been freely given to us – the Words of Eternal Life, while reaching out to people where they are. After 16 years, Bible Studies on Northwest Angle Reserve continue along with house visits, VBS, feasts, and concerts. Relationships have been established that are now enduring friendships. The same is true of Windigo Island Reserve - Bible School, home visits, VBS, feasts, and concerts are cherished meeting places. Relationships have deepened through life experiences, both good and bad, to a deeper place of honesty and openness. The Church in Warroad, All Nations New Life Center, has grown a great deal.
We now own our first building and have enjoyed making it home. The body of believers at All Nations New Life Center are a people who draw near to the Word of God. They value relationships, prayer, service, and have an honest care for their community. All Nations New Life Center continues as a Converge North Central/Minnesota-Iowa Baptist Conference Church, while Oak Hills Center for Indian Ministries serves are our sending agency and oversight.
“but truly, as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD”
Numbers 14:21